寻找音乐微电影及即将来临开拍的电影男女主角及配角,欢 迎所有人士前来试镜。
Searching for male and female lead cast & supporting cast for an up coming album MV & movies (open to all races).
Ellisan 锂扇 - 大马顶尖彩妆师+歌手+演员
Searching for male and female lead cast & supporting cast for an up coming album MV & movies (open to all races).
Ellisan 锂扇 - 大马顶尖彩妆师+歌手+演员
Kenji Chan - 资深影视制作人
黄世豪 - 著名音乐人+制作人+影视导演
Ellisan Tan - Reknown Make Up Artist, Recording Artiste, Actress
Kenji Chan - Movie Producer & Event Director
Sean Wong - Music Producer & Video Director
参赛者需"like" Ellisan fans page, 然后呈交以下资料至aliciatan@ducklingactions. com / aliciatan@creativegene.com.m y /susan@creativegene.com.my
1. 姓名
2. IC/Passport
3. 身高
4. 才艺
5. 联络电话
6. 电邮
7. Facebook随电邮附上半身照、全身照、及至少一张未经任何PS修改 的生活照。
Participants are required to "like" Ellisan's fans page, and submit the following information to: aliciatan@ducklingactions. com/ aliciatan@creativegene.com. my /susan@creativegene.com.my
1. Name
2. IC / Passport
3. Height
4. Talent
5. Contact Phone
6. Email
7. Facebook
Please attach photos close up, full shot and and at least one current photograph (without any PS or image modifications).
黄世豪 - 著名音乐人+制作人+影视导演
Ellisan Tan - Reknown Make Up Artist, Recording Artiste, Actress
Kenji Chan - Movie Producer & Event Director
Sean Wong - Music Producer & Video Director
参赛者需"like" Ellisan fans page, 然后呈交以下资料至aliciatan@ducklingactions.
1. 姓名
2. IC/Passport
3. 身高
4. 才艺
5. 联络电话
6. 电邮
7. Facebook随电邮附上半身照、全身照、及至少一张未经任何PS修改
Participants are required to "like" Ellisan's fans page, and submit the following information to: aliciatan@ducklingactions.
1. Name
2. IC / Passport
3. Height
4. Talent
5. Contact Phone
6. Email
7. Facebook
Please attach photos close up, full shot and and at least one current photograph (without any PS or image modifications).
more detail :
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