那里有伟大的爱,那里就会有奇迹。Where there is great LOVE there are always MIRACLES - Willa Cather

Sunday, December 26, 2010


times is like a shooting star. it pass extremely quick!!! I realised that I have spend years to compose my songs and produces my own music. for me, everything is so worth coz the process, hardships, happiness and sadness that i have been through make me a better and stronger person.I know that life can be hard while I try to achieve my dream and I accept that as part of the natural order of things. In fact, if I didn't have the hard times, I couldn't appreciate the complete joy of the good times, either!

I am reminded of the well-known statement, "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" This is so true. even when I feel as if I cannot bear any more, I persevere and I come out of the situation knowing that I am stronger than ever. overcoming hardships also brings me the confidence to face new challenges. If I did it once, twice, or many times, I know I can do it again!
Because of past experience, I also know with certainty that "this, too, shall pass." It gives me the strength to continue on regardless of the circumstances.

anyhow, i still need thanks all my family, friends and working partners who share all this "precious moments" with me during my music journey.


過程中,艱辛,幸福和悲傷,經歷使我成為一個更好,更強 person.I知道生活是很難,而我試圖實現我的夢想,接受的一部分,自然秩序的東西事實上,如果我沒有在困難的時候,我無法理解,完全的歡樂好時光對我來說,一切都是那麼值得




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