大多演者都是来自中国的,以下照片是没站完的.. most of the performers from china , some didnt come out for photo shoot .
小老鼠来了... little mice is coming ....
难度好高的芭蕾,用脚尖来跳 .. not easy ballet dance with toe . see the video ...
看衣服都可大概猜是什么舞吧?瑜伽舞....! can guess through the outfit right? yup.. yoga dance ^^ from malaysia ..
别看粉红小女孩年级小小,跳阿拉伯和印度舞够劲 ! the pink girl dance well in arab and india dance , very small only !
祝英台.. 在那里?where is the zhu ying tai.. ?
美中不足是音响方面,常出状况。打从节目开头,小孩们准备等音乐,迟迟未来.. ;主持人的麦克风没声音...., 鼻鼾声(不知那位睡了没关麦)音乐又半途断断续续(上面的),全场给掌声加油,也给专业演者,毕竟那么远高消费到来落力呈献!
the sound system part problem since program, the children were preparing but only waiting music to play , sometime delays , mistake always , host's microphone no sound, can here "snoring " (don't know who zzz didn’t off mic), Music and halfway stop (like above video ).... so many time give applause applause to the performers ...!
本地和中国司仪没默契,高度,衣着打扮.... 中国司仪也不理她,不回她笑容。我还听到后面观众批评没得比呢!
local and china host not match from outfit, sense ,height.... china host also not give back smile to her . i heard people complaint "cant compare ".. haiz...
来观赏 “喜乐之家” 孤儿院男孩们的嘻哈舞吧 .. let 's enjoy the hip-hop dance from local "house of joy " orphane 's boy.
中国姨姨们弹一手好古筝.. 观赏也不忘现场乐捐 ^^.... 可惜赶时间,这曲完了就走了,来不及看其他节目...
china anties really good in gu-zheng ! also do donation for this charity performance.. leave after this song, didnt stay till end..
买喜欢的黑炭肥皂也帮到“喜乐之家” 多开心 !
so happy bought this charcoal soap also can help "house of joy ".
" 比上不足,比下有余!”
感恩 ~